A Good Day
On a purely personal note, this has been a good day. I was given a car recently, but it needed attention as it had broken down and been left in a parking bay on the sea front.
I have a clever mate who is a wizz with engines and he soon had the problem sorted, so I now have a Peugeot 405 turbo-diesel to motor about in.
I then met up with a lady-friend, and spent a pleasant few hours in her company.
Now, this might not seem much to the average person, mundane even, but when you have been without transport for more than six months, (since the previous car finally died) and consequently rarely go out the front gate, this puts a slightly different perspective on events.
So to celebrate, we will have a little drop of firewater, and drink to the girl with the hairy chest. Pretty little thing. Looks a bit like Mariah Carey.
I fink that's been Photoshopped.
A possibility Clive, but what if it is a chest wig?
Wot if it wuz fer real?
Well, whatever it is, she certainly seems happy to have it.
Got anyfing else good to show then Zizz?
Yes. This I thought was most interesting. The caption reads WATCHING THE BOOM
A cone of water vapour at the tail of an HP-14 glider as it breaks the sound barrier. The image released yesterday (whenever that was) was captured by a high speed camera aboard a York Soaring SGS 1-26 chase plane. The pilot of the HP-14, John DeJong, after the flight reported a slight vibration at the wingtips, very stiff controls and confirmed a final glide of 426 Km!
Apart from being an amazing picture, it is incredible to consider a glider flying that fast.
Here is a similar shot but with a jet-fighter. Interesting picture comparisons.
'Ere Zizz, changin' the suject, I 'ad a email las' night. Signed 'erself 'A Natural Woman'. She wanted me opinions on a matter ov wevver wimmin shud shave ta please their men. Wot you fink?
I think shaving is essential. I mean, I've yet never met a woman with a beard who has appealed to me.
I don't means on 'er chops...yunnow...fanny fluff.
I do not wish to get into discussion with you on such topics in my journal. I have told you before, I want to try to keep it 'clean', and that includes keeping your smut out. If you wish to follow this up, you will have to do it by email. Who is she anyway?
Ain't tellin'.
And why not?
'Cause you know 'er.
Ah-ha! One of my erudite friends winding you up again no doubt.
I ain't sayin' nuffin 'cause me an' this bird 'as a bit ov 'istory that you don't know about. Let's just say, me an' 'er see eye ta eye 'bout certain fings.
You have raised my curiosity. Maybe I will infiltrate your files.
Won't do no good. I 'as it tucked away safe. Put it on me mem'ry stick which I've stuck down me underpants.
In that case, it is perfectly safe from me. That is one area I certainly do not wish to investigate. I shall quell my inquisitiveness.
This seems an appropriate to terminate tonight's discourse.
Goodnight Clive.
Nite Zizz.
(see Pol, I never gave yer away)
Now look at that. 'Imself 'as naffed off an' forgot ta post this. Oppertunity ta show yer sumfing ov mine. It ain't dir'y so Zizz won't say nuffin.
Soppy innit?
Mus' be time ta go. I'll leave yer wiv a funny story.
Me mate George, is a pa'rio'ic geez an' would never buy anyfing that was not made in Britain. 'E decides ta get a new tele, an' goes to 'is local 'lectrical shop. On inspectin' the various sets on display, 'e chooses one, askin' the saleman where it wuz made.
"Oh, no need ta worry Sir," 'e sez "this one's British froo an' froo".
Satisfied wiv the reply, George pays over 'is dosh an' takes it away.
'Alf hour la'er he's back, finds the same salesman an' says "You told me porkies, This set I bought ain't Bri'ish."
"What do you mean Sir? sez the sales moosh."
"Well, I gets it 'ome, opens the box, took the set out, an' on the back it 'as a label sayin' BUILT IN ANTENNA.
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